Some of the books that inspire us:
Articles on equity in outdoor access & education:
“Closing the Gender Gap: How Forest School can Benefit Young Girls” from Forest School Foundation
“Partnering for Equitable Environmental Literacy: A Conversation with Youth Outside” from Ten Strands, Connecting Education, Environment and Community
“The Nature Gap: Confronting Racial and Economic Disparities in the Destruction and Protection of Nature in America” by Jenny Rowland-Shea et al
“How can environmental educators practice intersectional environmentalism?” by Laura Brown et al
“Want more diversity in camping? Give them gear.” LA Times
“Read up on the links between racism and the environment” NY Times
Articles on the importance of nature connection:
“You can’t bounce off the walls if there are no walls” from Yes! Magazine
“The liberating effect of playing outside in the rain” from Motherly
“Out of the classroom and into the woods” from NPR Ed
Some inspiring organizations increasing equity in the nature education and immersion space:
Justice Outside (formerly Youth Outside)